Fall Lawn Care Chore List

Would you like a lawn that’s the envy of all your neighbors? Or at the very least, a yard that isn’t filled with weeds and so brown it looks like you live in a desert climate? The best way to get that beautiful green spring lawn is to prepare in the fall. For a healthy, green yard, make sure you get the following fall lawn care chore list done:

        Fertilize: Fall fertilizing for cool-season grasses reduces the dormant period when grass turns brown. It also preps the lawn to grow back luscious and green in the spring.

        Eliminate Broadleaf Weeds: Although weeds such as dandelions and ground ivy can be pulled and plucked all year long, they respond best to weed killer in the fall.

        Mow: Even though the temperatures might be dropping, keep mowing the grass once a week until it stops growing.

        Overseed: Your yard might look like it doesn’t need seeding, but lawncare experts recommend overseeding to give your yard a head start in the spring.

        Dethatch: Rake up dead grass and weeds to create a clean slate for new growth.

        Aerate: This method pulls up plugs of soil and allows for deeper water penetration and root growth.

        Water: Give your yard a thorough watering if it hasn’t rained in a while. Do this even if the temperatures seem too cool to water.

Need a little help getting your yard in shape?  Have you tried everything, but can’t seem to make any progress? Contact TurfPride Lawncare. We specialize in helping our customers get healthy, green yards that are disease and bug-free. At TurfPride, our lawncare specialists use innovative tools and methods for improving root development, water utilization, and help your lawn resist disease. Our goal is to help our customers enjoy their lawns once again. Call us today to learn more about our fall specials that include aeration, overseeding, and 3 lawncare treatments. Schedule your fall lawncare service today and call 770-590-7200.