4 Ways Lawn Care Experts Help Your Yard Look Beautiful

Every home looks better with a lawn that is lush, full, and green. The curb appeal of a home is greatly reduced if the lawn is patchy, brown, or full of weeds. An easy way to have an award-worthy lawn without the headache is to use a professional lawncare service for the necessary expertise in fertilization, weed control and disease prevention. When most people think of lawn care services, they typically think of mowing, watering, edging, and weeding, but a healthy green lawn requires much more than that. Here are 4 additional ways that lawncare experts can help make your yard beautiful.


Lawns are made of grass and like any other plant, grass needs nutrients to grow in addition to sun and water. It gets this from the soil, but it’s important that you replenish it since the lawn is constantly pulling out nutrients year after year. Lawncare services can regularly fertilize your lawn to encourage growth. Fertilization is particularly helpful in helping your lawn recover from the hot summer months.


Aeration describes a process of using a machine to extract plugs from the grass. This helps reduce water run-off, increase water penetration, and eliminate excess thatch. It also helps develop a deep root system to make the grass heartier against insects and drought. Aeration is done in either the fall or spring depending on the type of grass.

Disease Prevention and Treatment

Lawncare experts can also help prevent lawn disease that can kill your grass and leave it patchy and brown. Lawn disease spreads quickly once established, but can be prevented if treated in advance with the proper fungicide treatment. Lawn disease can be treated after it appears on your lawn but it takes time to restore the destroyed areas. Lawncare services can also inspect for insects that can cause damage to the lawn.


Lastly, overseeding is a little known way of increasing the root strength and thickness of your grass. Cool-season lawns that remain green year-round need to be overseeded to fill in thin or barren areas in the grass. This is typically done in the fall.