Americans love a green yard in the summer. They want to showcase their blossoming plants and grass during outdoor gatherings and pool parties. It’s the perfect time to assemble outside. But with unpredictable droughts and heat, grass can slowly fade to brown. Follow these summer grass care tips to keep it green when it’s hot.
Water Correctly
The summer season requires homeowners to water their yards differently. A well-maintained lawn requires less watering than you may think because of its well-developed root system. When your grass needs a drink, it will appear dull. Older blades will curl up or wilt as a sign of dehydration.
Water Deep, Not Often
Consistent deep watering is the key to keeping a lush, green lawn all summer lawn. Don’t succumb to the temptation of using the sprinkler daily because you could overwater your yard. That brings another set of issues. Instead of shallow watering, deeply water your lawn once or twice a week.
Your grass should only get around one-and-a-half inches of water a week. That includes natural precipitation. If you had a rainy day that week, you shouldn’t need to haul out the sprinkler or turn the irrigation system on. If you have sandy soil, you’ll need to water more often than with heavy clay soils.
Water Early
Watering should get done early in the day. In fact, five o’clock is the ideal time. The sun isn’t up yet, and the grass can receive a good soak without worrying about the moisture evaporating. If you have an irrigation system, program it to run in the morning before sunrise. No irrigation system, no problem! Get outside, turn on the sprinkler, and let it run for a while. This tip will give the soil enough time to dry throughout the day, preventing diseases.
Watering in the morning allows homeowners to capitalize on the photosynthesis the morning sun creates. This benefit further strengthens the grassroots. Watering at night can cause waterlogging, creating the perfect place for lawn diseases. Ensure you put away the yard watering equipment when finished. Any leftover water in the hose can damage it.
Leave the Grass Long
Contrary to popular belief, you should leave your grass longer in the summer. Put the mower blade on the lowest setting to leave the grass around three inches. This length will protect the grassroots and prevent your yard from getting too stressed. Attempt to only mow around once a week. Any more than this can cause stress. Of course, if you receive a lot of rain in one week, you may have to mow twice.
Pay attention to exposed soil or if the ground is drying out quickly. This sign signifies that you should let more time pass between mowing. Longer grass blades allow for more robust and deeper roots.
Don’t Forget Mower Maintenance
You can harm your grass if you use a poorly maintained mower. Ensure you sharpen the blades, change the oil, and check filters and spark plugs. Dull mower blades won’t cut the grass blades; they’ll tear them. This dullness will leave the brown tips on the blades of grass.
Apply Fertilizer
Fertilizing your lawn in the summer is part of summer grass care. Fertilizer gives your yard the nutrients it needs to stay green and nourished throughout the hot season. Many lawn care professionals recommend applying fertilizer every six weeks. Laying traditional fertilizer this often can cause fast growth; if you have this problem, look for a lower nitrogen content fertilizer. It will ensure your lawn is green without causing rapid growth. Don’t forget to apply the fertilizer evenly.
A mulching mower will help naturally fertilize your lawn by recycling the grass clippings. They provide nutrients for the soil.
If you’re nervous about using or applying the right fertilizer too often, contact a professional lawn fertilization company. TurfPride will remove all the guesswork and keep your yard green all season.
Repair Pet Waste Spots
Dog owners are no strangers to seeing pet waste spots scattered across the lawn. When your dog goes to the bathroom on the grass, they’re essentially over-fertilizing that area. You’ll notice yellow or brown spots in the areas your furry companion gravitates to the most. This damage is repairable. All it takes are some soil cleansing treatments and reseeding to return the lawn to its former glory.
Dog urine contains high nitrogen levels that “burn” the grass and kills it. Soil needs a healthy dose of nitrogen to grow, but your pet leaves too much. To identify dog urine damage, you’ll see a brown or yellow area surrounded by dark green grass.
Here’s how you can revive this dead grass:
- First, rake the brown patch thoroughly to remove any debris so you can see the soil.
- Second, water the area to remove the salt and nitrogen from your dog’s urine. The spot should be moist but not drenched.
- Third, use a trowel or rake to loosen the soil to plant the new grass seed.
- Fourth, lay down a mixture of one-third peat moss with two-thirds topsoil; work it into the loose soil.
- Fifth, sprinkle a generous amount of grass seed over the area. Don’t worry; you can’t use too much.
- Sixth, gently water the seeds with a hose or watering can. Water the new grass daily for the first few weeks.
- Seventh, avoid walking on the new grass and keep your furry friend away from the new spot too. Consider investing in a protective covering that still allows the sunshine through.
Remove the Weeds
Weeds fight the grassroots for soil nutrients. Remove any weeds immediately; this method is more effective than weed killer. You can use a weeding fork or pull them manually. Already established plants are more challenging to eliminate than recently germinated ones.
Stop Water Run-Off
One sign you’re overwatering your yard or have a saturated lawn is water run-off. You’ll notice water trickling off the property and onto the paths. Move the sprinkler to another area the moment you see a run-off. Watering slowly and steadily is the only way to go, especially in the summer.
The above summer grass care tips will help you have green grass all season. Don’t be afraid to contact a professional lawn care company, like TurfPride, to keep your property healthy all year. Our expert lawn care technicians provide excellent service.