Tips for Controlling Weeds in Your Lawn

The one thing that can ruin a perfectly manicured lawn and turn it into an unruly mess is weeds. Weed control is a problem that every lawn owner has to deal with at some point or another as part of their lawn care.

We know that weeds are difficult to manage, so we have gathered the following tips for controlling weeds so you can have a weed-free yard year-round.

Types of Weeds

What types of weeds might you need to target in your yard? If you have Bermuda grass, there are two types of common weeds to watch for – grassy weeds and broadleaf weeds. Grassy weeds are crabgrass, dallisgrass, yellow nutgrass, witchgrass, barnyardgrass, and bluegrass. They can be tricky to detect since they grow single leaves that look like single blades of grass. Broadleaf weeds are a bit more obvious since they grow two leaves from a single seed; common broadleaf weeds include dandelion, chickweed, doveweed, white clover, purslane, and spurge.

If you have Zoysia grass in your lawn, you will also need to watch for grassy and broadleaf weeds. Grassy weeds you might see are nutsedge, crabgrass, goosegrass, and dallisgrass. The common broadleaf weeds that grow in Zoysia include dandelion, clover, chickweed, henbit, spurge, wild onion, and plantain. Knowing which weeds are in your yard will help you identify ways to stop them.

Use Preventative Measures

One of the most important forms of lawn care for weed control is to prevent them from growing in the first place. Taking preventative measures to stop weed seeds from germinating and developing at all is the best course of action.

Try a Pre-Emergent

A pre-emergent is a type of chemical, similar to a fertilizer, that prevents weeds from growing. This type of selective herbicide works by preventing the weeds from fully developing, so you can limit their growth in your lawn.

Make sure the weed killer you choose targets your specific weed problem. Each pre-emergent product will specify where and when you apply it, which types of weeds it kills, and how it will impact the plants nearby.

A major key component to using a pre-emergent is the timing. For the pre-emergent to work correctly, you need to apply it in the early spring, when the soil is between 50°F and 55°F. You want to stop the weeds before they grow.

You also want to apply the weed preventer in the correct area. Selective weed killers will target weeds like dandelions or thistles but allow turfgrass and other beneficial plants to still grow. This type works best for spraying on your lawn or flower beds. A non-selective formula will kill all plants and is best sprayed where you don’t want anything growing, such as in sidewalk cracks, by the pool, in the driveway, or along the fence line.

Dry Them Out

One last preventative measure that we recommend is to dry the weeds out. Using mulch can prevent the weed seeds from getting water, but you can take it a step further. Make sure you don’t accidentally water weed seeds by carefully watering only the plants that you need to in a targeted way.

As part of your lawn care routine, you can use a drip irrigation system or a watering can instead of using a sprinkler system that will soak the mulch and potentially weed seeds as well. If you can keep the weed seeds from getting water, you can be sure they won’t grow.

Use Fertilizer

If you missed your chance to prevent weeds from growing with a pre-emergent, then it may be time to consider using a fertilizer, or post-emergent, to kill the weeds once they have grown. Just like with pre-emergent weed killers, check the specifications of the post-emergent formula of when and where to apply it and what kind of weeds it targets.

Once you spot weeds like dandelions, broadleaf weeds, or other common weed varieties, you can spray them with fertilizer to kill them.

Call In Professionals

If the weeds in your lawn are getting out of control, call the lawn care professionals at TurfPride Lawncare. We offer services in weed control to help you get your beautiful lawn back and take the guesswork out of which treatments will be the best solutions for your yard. Call us today at (770) 830-3145 to schedule an appointment or request a free estimate on our website.