Lawn Disease Prevention
Several types of lawn diseases are common in the greater Atlanta area. Patches of brown or unhealthy looking grass can be a sign of a lawn disease such as lawn fungus. TurfPride Lawncare in Kennesaw, GA offers lawn disease prevention and diagnosis services. While it is ideal to treat your lawn to prevent disease, we also provide treatments for lawns that are already afflicted.
Fescue Lawn Diseases

If the disease has already appeared, curative lawn treatment services are available. However, they:
- Are more expensive
- Require a greater number of applications
- Halt the spread of disease but can’t change the appearance of the dead areas until the following season
Bermuda/Zoysia Lawn Diseases
If You Have Zoysia or Bermuda Lawn…
The most common diseases are Large Patch, Dollar Spot, and Spring Dead Spot. Large Patch is unsightly, but not fatal. This fungus thrives with cool nights, moisture and warm days (aka Spring or Fall in Atlanta). Dollar Spot is also unsightly, but it is fatal for Zoysia lawns. This fungus thrives in moisture and warm temperatures in the summer months.

Spring Dead Spot is also fatal for zoysia lawns. It occurs in the fall just as the turf is going into dormancy with the results visible in the spring.
The best course of action for lawn fungus prevention is to apply a preventative fungicide. If the diseases appears, curative treatments are available, However, they:
- Are more expensive
- May Require a greater number of applications
- Halt the spread of disease and allow the turf to recover. However, if conditions remain, the disease can re-appear.

Treating Lawn Disease
So… What Do I Do About Lawn Disease?
Call TurfPride for our lawn diagnosis services to help you determine the best plan to prevent turf diseases on your lawn.
Customer Testimonials
We are proud to fulfill the requirements of all our clients at all times. For us, the satisfaction of our customers is of utmost importance. We have handled a variety of lawncare projects over the years. Here are some of the testimonials provided by our customers.